Intervention details

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SHINE on Saturday

No impact for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary reading

Intervention description

SHINE on Saturday is a weekend programme which aims to provide additional learning for underachieving students at primary or secondary level. Each project within the programme is based at a school and runs for 30 Saturdays a year, working with 60 students either from the same school or from a cluster of local schools. While each project is distinct, all are designed to complement in-school learning by offering exciting, investigative learning in literacy, maths, science and technology. Small classes are grouped by ability and older students act as peer mentors, and the aim is to raise expectations and improve attainment for participating students.

The SHINE Trust works with each of the SHINE on Saturday project managers to monitor the academic progress made by students and to carry out both internal and independent evaluations of the teaching and learning. This includes looking at national standardised predictions and test results, teacher assessment, work samples, student and parent feedback and Ofsted evaluations.

Professional development/training

There is a SHINE On Saturday manual which provides guidance and materials for the main areas of the project, and is used by staff in the planning and delivery of each new project. The SHINE Trust also facilitates SHINE on Saturday away days for project staff from all schools to come together to share learning and good practice.

Evidence Summary

The Education Endowment Foundation ran a project investigating the effectiveness of SHINE as a Saturday school transition programme for Year 7 students, but the evaluation did not meet the quality needed to change its evidence rating. They also ran a project called SHINE on Manchester investigating the effectiveness of a SHINE Saturday school for children aged 8-11, which did not show it to be effective.

No impact for Primary reading
No. of studies 3
No. of students 2,084
Average effect size -0.01

Key research

SHINE in Secondaries

SHINE on Manchester

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