Intervention details

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Jolly Grammar

Not evaluated for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Primary writing

Intervention description

Jolly Grammar is intended to form the final two years of a three-year early literacy programme, following on from an initial year of Jolly Phonics. It focuses on teaching four key aspects of literacy: grammar, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension, and revision and extension of phonic knowledge. Each week, one spelling lesson and one grammar lesson are planned to fit in with the school’s existing literacy timetable. Teachers using the programme receive a Grammar Handbook for each year, which provides lesson plans, worksheets and photocopiable resources. The teaching method uses a similar multi-sensory approach to that employed in Jolly Phonics: for instance, colours and actions are used to help children identify parts of speech in sentences (such as verbs being red and nouns being black).

Professional development/training

Training is delivered by experienced Jolly Grammar teachers, who are accredited by Jolly Learning but work independently. Online training courses are also available, a minimum of 20 hours learning.

Evidence Summary

Jolly Grammar has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2


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