Intervention details

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Talk Boost KS2

Not evaluated for Primary reading

Intervention description

Talk Boost KS2 is a targeted intervention for children in Years 3, 4 and 5 who have delayed language development, aiming to boost their language skills. It consists of small group sessions, three times a week over a period of 8 weeks run by trained teaching assistants. There are additional whole-class activities and homework activities with parent tips for developing communication skills at home.

Talk Boost KS2 is designed for children whose language and communication skills are developing typically but are below what is expected for their age. The children should not be receiving any specialist support or have any other Special Educational Needs, and should have the potential to catch up with their peers. The intervention is supported by an initial training package and includes the Talk Boost KS2 Tracker to help identify appropriate children for the intervention and to measure their progress. Staff attend the training in teacher/TA pairs as delivery of the intervention involves them working together.

Professional development/training

The training package is a one-day course delivered in-school, and there are two options available for how the training is delivered. A training session delivered by an I CAN Communication Advisor costs £700 + VAT plus £480 per TA/Teacher pair who receive a Talk Boost KS2 Intervention Pack. Alternatively, there are regional teams of Licensed Tutors who deliver Talk Boost KS2 training. This usually works out cheaper, and the Talk Boost KS2 Intervention Pack is still purchased from I CAN at £480 per TA/Teacher pair.

Evidence Summary

Talk Boost KS2 has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Key Stage 2

Targeted groups

  • Speech, language and communication needs


See professional development/training

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