Intervention details

Home > Search results > Kar2ouche


Not evaluated for Primary writing

Intervention description

Kar2ouche is an educational software intervention which can be used across many curriculum areas at KS2 and above. The software enables pupils to create multi-media role-plays, storyboards, movies and animations using a simple drag-and-drop interface. They can select their own backgrounds, characters and props (which vary depending on the subject pack being used), add sound effects and recordings, create and import images, and share their work as a video file. The intervention is intended to encourage self-expression and creativity, and can be used to develop pupils' narrative and storytelling abilities as a preliminary to writing activities.

Professional development/training

Teacher Support Packs are available.

Evidence Summary

The Best Evidence Encyclopaedia (2009) judged that there were no studies into the effectiveness of Kar2ouche which met its criteria for inclusion.

Key research

Key stages

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4


School-site licence costs £418.80 and individual title from £39

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